The panel deck form work for the basement ceilings/garage and house floors goes in [mostly]

DAY 1 SATURDAY - sawing the patterns into the concrete floor in the basement bedroom.
Measuring it up.

The saw - with diamond tipped blade.

The saw couldn't quite get to the edges - needed an angle grinder with no guard and a diamond tipped blade - at 10000 rpm you can bet I was concentrating.

Litterbugs - styrofam that needed to be removed for the basement ceiling slab.

First piece of the ceiling formwork

The first
panel-deck pieces go in

Temporary shoring walls go in

More panel deck goes up


Plywood to protect the bedroom floor


Spring wildflowers on our place
Aquilegia formosa Western columbine (Buttercup family)

Iris tenax
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass (Iris family)
Sidalcea sp - mallows

Panel deck trapeze

Getting there

More goes into place over the laundry

Discussing the next bit

A [few] days work

WEDNESDAY - a mornings work for me
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