Iridescent irises invoking intimations of incomparably inviting summer days

Getting prepared in the frost of a clear late spring morning - just after 6:30 am.

Yet another concrete pump.

All that work to set the radiant floor tubing starts to disappear.

Getting it to grade.

More concrete.

Starting to smooth it out.

Into the middle room, covering the radiant artwork.

Fillin' up the garage basement,

Smoothing it out.

The extra concrete into some extra formwork - creating stepping stones and test squares for trying out different concrete stains.

Smoothing - with big floater kneepads.

Hand prints - ours

His helicopter won't fly.

Sawing the expansion joints.

Finished - just wetting it down to even out the cure.

Another job - cleaning the oxidized styrofoam so the waterproofing membrane will stick.

Our ever present friends on hot days - big turkey vultures.

First time we've seen that corner since mid-December thanks to E's hard and heavy shovelwork.