Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

A bit blowy...
3 deg C [38 deg F] foggy and dismal in Philomath.

12 deg C [54 deg F] and brilliantly sunny at Newport, only 80 km away. Swell 10 ft @ 16 seconds.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So we helped pull down this ceiling and reclaimed the tongue and groove cedar. This is about 1/2 done with the cedar panelling [background], there is as much over my head on this side.Later, cedar down, "just" all the nails and insulation to go. There was gyprock [drywall] between the cedar and the batts. took about 16 hours to get it done.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I can't believe how cold it is...

-13 deg C [9 deg F] again this morning.

Yesterday a.m.
It is even cold at the beach - right now 8:30 a.m. Thursday Dec 10 it's -3 deg C [27 deg F]
Maybe tomorrow it'll be beach weather [i.e. above 0 deg C]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And it just keeps coming...

What's wrong with this picture - the white frosting on the sand is just that - frost just before sun-up air about -2 deg C [28 deg F] and windy.Interestingly crowded with people - not sea-lions - considering the temperature, good waves though.Sunday
Colder, windier, still good, somewhere else nearby.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A surfeit of sea lions sing [bark] a soulful symphony

Lots of sea-lions this fall

This bunch barked a baroque ballad at us for at least half and hour. At least they kept their distance, not like their 150 far more intimidating comrades one beach further south.
Doing the "flipper thing" where they just hang out with their flippers up in the sunshine.