Random early summer stuff - more tubing installed for the under-floor heating in the great room.

Not the same ones, but a pack of orcas was through a week ago. Lots of sightings - including one of 2 orcas killing a full grown sealion in the surf zone not far north of here. (photo attribution - blog.oregonlive
Associated Press/File)

And sights like this in a number of coves, injured sealions that didn't get eaten by the orcas and that hauled up to rest, only to die and become a feast for the carrion birds: crows, seagulls, and of course lots of well-fed...

turkey vultures.

Summer: surf - small, but fun on a longboard.

Summer also means surfing schools. Goodness only knows why they try to learn here in the summery 50 deg F [10 deg C] water.

Our place has a new spectrum of flowers this week...
Large Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris)
Including a patch of striking Columbia lilies that I didn't mow so the can set and scatter seed so there's more next year.

Meanwhile back in the bakery, some fun with different bread styles.
Very striking and unusual [for western tastes] barbari bread that is a flat bread that can be successfully made with soft white wheat [SW].

And some product development for the food barley program - marvellous 50% barley pita bread. [HW = hard white wheat]