Tiptoe through the scaffolds - through the scaffolds with me

Tools of the styrofoam house trade

Notice the twirly thing for tying rebar... very important

The hidden work of block sculpting - it is NOT like building a Lego house

Sunset over the scaffolding

Up to ground level at the back of the main house section

The never ending story for the styrofoam construction - cutting and bending rebar - lots of it.

Roamin' in the gloamin' on the bonnie banks o' Clyde,
Roamin' in the gloamin' wi' ma lassie by ma side,
When the sun has gone to rest, that's the time that I like best,
O, it's lovely roamin' in the gloamin'!

The last window buck for the basement level - installed by her's truly on her own

Carrying a 20 ft (6 meter) bar of number 5 rebar - E looks like a tightrope walker with a balance pole - that's one tough tightrope walker usin' rebar for balance.