The mess cleaned out using a big machine (and backbreaking slogging in the mud by Ole and Elizabeth to get the stuff the machine was too big to reach)

Certainly an improvement over this...

Widening the road across from the garage and re-rocking most of it.

And more walls getting built up and door and window frames - lots of bracing

Meanwhile back at the ranch... If I can't get time to go surfing, I will bake - this is a 25% dark rye sourdough ala Hamelman's pain-au-levain but with a 100% hydration levain. The aim is to get the system right to do this with stoneground wholegrain waxy hullless barley in place of the rye for an upcoming barley foods meeting in Sacramento CA.

Everything about this bread just WORKED - great "ears" great crust, great interior structure and texture (see how the inside of the big cells looks kinda wet), and great balance & subtlety to the sourness.